{"id":18779,"date":"2022-08-08T06:00:42","date_gmt":"2022-08-07T20:00:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/?p=18779"},"modified":"2022-10-04T14:55:38","modified_gmt":"2022-10-04T03:55:38","slug":"retirement-planning-tips-for-property-investors","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/retirement-planning-tips-for-property-investors\/","title":{"rendered":"Retirement Planning Tips For Property Investors"},"content":{"rendered":"

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It\u2019s the Australian dream \u2013 the clock ticks 65 (or earlier) and off you sail into the sunset of retirement to live out the rest of your years stress-free. Sadly, for some, this will remain nothing more than a dream with the drastic cost of living rising and no plan to cover the shortfall \u2013 that is, unless you take onboard these retirement planning tips which could change the way you prepare for the future. Our property investment groups<\/a> is a great place to keep informed about the ever changing landscape of real estate investing.<\/p>\n

The truth is, unless you can live off $500 a week then you\u2019ll need to start planning ahead now. That\u2019s because a mere few hundred dollars is all you\u2019ll get if you have $523,000 in your super by age 65 (estimating that you\u2019ll live to 85).<\/p>\n

This is the approximate amount that\u00a0<\/span>Australian Super Funds of Australia<\/a>\u00a0<\/span>(ASFA) says you\u2019ll need to live a comfortable retirement, based on the assumption that you\u2019ll also receive the\u00a0<\/span>pension\u00a0<\/span><\/a>which is $36,000 per couple or $24,000 if you\u2019re single. It doesn\u2019t sound like a lot does it?!<\/p>\n

Assuming you want more than to just scrape by after all those hard years of work, then these retirement planning tips are what you need to be across in order to retire stress free.<\/p>\n


What is your financial situation right now? Before we look at where you\u2019re headed, we first need to understand where you are today. Do you live paycheck to paycheck? How much do you have in your super? What about your emergency fund? These are all extremely important questions that most Australians overlook when wading through life.<\/p>\n

The thing about financial security is that when you have it, everything else in your life changes for the better. That\u2019s why the sooner you start creating wealth, the safer you\u2019ll feel and the more you can live the way you want without having overarching guilt or feeling stuck in your current position.<\/p>\n

There are\u00a0<\/span>three basic principles\u00a0<\/span><\/a>when it comes to creating wealth. So, put aside one hour, grab a pen and paper and let\u2019s get a better understanding of your current financial situation.<\/p>\n

Principle 1: Money buckets<\/p>\n

Money is an energy exchange, the better you understand it, the more you\u2019ll attract. As we grow up, money is often a taboo subject, and because it\u2019s not talked about, we enter adulthood knowing nothing about money.<\/p>\n

So here\u2019s your first lesson; money buckets. They\u2019re basically how you grow and accumulate wealth. Most Australians only have one thing in their bucket e.g. their wages. We know this isn\u2019t going to create wealth for a stress free retirement.<\/p>\n

You need to diversify and put your eggs into other buckets. These come in the form of other assets or strategies that work alongside your wages to help build that wealth, whether that\u2019s shares, side hustles, or our favourite – real estate.<\/p>\n

Principle 2: Knowing your number<\/p>\n

This is asking the hard question,\u00a0<\/span>how much money do you need to die?<\/a>\u00a0<\/span>Most people pluck a number out of thin air with no strategy behind it. Actually no, most people never even answer this question!<\/p>\n

To create an informed investment strategy that will allow you to retire stress free, you need to work out what you need every month to live the life you want. Whether you\u2019re after a comfortable or lavish lifestyle, you need to do the maths. If you don\u2019t know how,\u00a0<\/span>this method will take you through the process.\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n

Principle 3: Learning what grows your wealth vehicle<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s be clear, property doesn\u2019t need to be your vehicle of choice for creating wealth for a stress free retirement. But, if you want an investment strategy that\u2019s safe, steady and guaranteed to look after you in the future, then you need to consider it as an option.<\/p>\n

This is because real estate has always had incredibly reliable returns, and being a physical asset, it will always be around in society. The key to creating passive income from property long-term is understanding what drives growth.<\/p>\n

There are six market drivers that grow real estate value:<\/p>\n