{"id":18650,"date":"2022-07-18T06:00:27","date_gmt":"2022-07-17T20:00:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/?p=18650"},"modified":"2022-09-19T12:17:13","modified_gmt":"2022-09-19T02:17:13","slug":"5-questions-to-ask-before-investing-in-a-house","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/5-questions-to-ask-before-investing-in-a-house\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Questions To Ask Before Investing In A House"},"content":{"rendered":"

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So you want to begin your property investment portfolio but you don\u2019t know where to start? Join the rest of Australia! In today\u2019s society there is still no avenue for teaching children and young adults about wealth creation and financial freedom.<\/p>\n

Some may stumble across a business opportunity, or perhaps investing in shares, but our go-to vehicle is real estate. Real estate is a long game that has the potential to provide generational legacy wealth, if done correctly.<\/p>\n

To set yourself apart from the\u00a099% of investors who fail<\/a>, you need to ask these 5 questions before investing in a house.<\/p>\n


Do you have what it takes to be an investor? One of the greatest setbacks that most people experience from the education system is the lack of knowledge about how to become financially abundant. Many people enter adulthood without the understanding of taxes or even a basic budget.<\/p>\n

School teaches you to be an employee – you trade your time for income. In comparison, investors dive into the real estate game because it allows them to make a steady and increasing income from their property portfolio.<\/p>\n

We need employees, that is how society has been built to function. However, you don\u2019t need to succumb to this \u2018majority\u2019 and the fact you are here reading this article is proof that you have what it takes to escape the rat race.<\/p>\n

Property investment is a fantastic wealth creation vehicle because it is underpinned by the philosophy that\u00a0profits are better than wages.<\/a><\/p>\n

Trading your life for money is okay to some, but for the other side there comes a time in life when they\u2019re ready to work less hours for someone else, to concentrate on other things they love while still getting paid.<\/p>\n

The answer to this equation is real estate.<\/p>\n

The goal of property investment<\/p>\n

The goal of property investors in the market is to target optimistic returns.<\/p>\n

If you fully accept that profits are better than wages, it will serve you well for a lifetime. Understand that companies, banks and institutions are all hunting profits and that they\u2019re all hunting in the same safari park as you \u2013 the Australian property market.<\/p>\n

Yes, learning how to create your own profits comes with time and experience but the payoff is worth it.<\/p>\n

Why everyone doesn\u2019t invest in property<\/p>\n

If property investing is such a smart and lucrative profit making machine then why don\u2019t more people do it? The reality is that for most, owning multiple properties simply feels out of reach.<\/p>\n

On top of this, many don\u2019t know where to begin when it comes to creating long-term sustainable wealth for themselves.<\/p>\n

You must seek the knowledge you never got<\/p>\n

You would think that in the developed country of Australia, wealth creation would be passed down from one generation to the next and these invaluable lessons would find themselves in the education system!<\/p>\n

However, very few people obtain the necessary education to make sound financial decisions. For many Australians, the success that is \u2018making money\u2019 is entirely misunderstood and seems unattainable.<\/p>\n

So, we actually have to seek the knowledge as we grow.<\/p>\n


The next question you want to answer before investing in a house is, \u2018what is your number?\u2019 This is the big critical question that everyone needs to answer and that is\u00a0\u2018how much money do you need to die?\u2019<\/a><\/p>\n

Drilling down to specifics is vital in property investment. Knowing exactly how much money you need to live the life you want \u2013 whether that be a shorter working week, giving up work entirely, or being able to have one more holiday a year \u2013 will enable you to get there that much quicker.<\/p>\n

Decide what kind of life you want. Work out how much it costs. Then you will know how many properties you need, at what rent rates and capital growth, to get there.<\/p>\n

Setting yourself up for retirement<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re planning to rely on the pension and your superannuation when you retire then you can expect to only be surviving not thriving. The pension is $36,000 per couple or $24,000 if you\u2019re single and that is topped up by about $523,000 (approximate super amount by 65<\/a>) that will need to last about thirty years.<\/p>\n

One in four pensioners are living in poverty. A huge factor that determines those circumstances is the security of housing. Owning your home has shown to be a game changer in retirement as the cost of rent is substantial for someone on a pension.<\/p>\n

Of course, the more real estate you own, the more secure you will be in the long term. Setting yourself up with a real estate investment strategy now means you\u2019ll have more bases covered in case things go pear-shaped. By paying down the debts while you\u2019re still working, you\u2019ll be able to focus on living off the passive income throughout retirement.<\/p>\n


It\u2019s time to get really clear on how you\u2019re going to make your \u2018magic number\u2019 a reality and the best way to do this is through budgeting. Budgeting is about getting a clear picture of your incomings and outgoings so that you can determine how much you can save and invest each week. The key here is to get really specific – if you\u2019re wanting to save $100k for a deposit, then break that plan down into bite size steps.<\/p>\n

A simple and effective budgeting strategy is the\u00a050\/30\/20 rule<\/a>\u00a0which is the idea that 50% of your income goes towards your needs, (mortgage, bills) 30% of your income goes towards entertainment and 20% needs to be invested into income producing assets.<\/p>\n

If that is too conservative for you, then another great budgeting strategy is the 50\/50 technique which is where you live off of 50% of your income. If you can do this, you will end up in a place where you can budget for anything.<\/p>\n

However, it is important to note that your budget must be realistic so that you aren\u2019t left feeling deprived. A sustainable budget should still allow for you to enjoy the indulgences of life that mean the most to you. You want to set yourself up for success.<\/p>\n

Budgeting is an invaluable tool that will prove very useful before you invest in a house and it will become vital once you own that investment property.<\/p>\n


Whether you just landed a new job with a higher salary, a promotion at work or even a paid off car loan – it is normal to immediately start spending more money. Maybe now it\u2019s time to order a five course meal or sign up with a personal trainer: you\u2019ve earned it!<\/p>\n

If you have ever had an increase in money enter and leave your life then you have become a victim to lifestyle creep. With the increased income you\u2019ve elevated your lifestyle situation to match.<\/p>\n

If you are not careful, you may wake up one day and realise you now use 16 different hair care products, you own a second car and you live in an apartment you can\u2019t afford.<\/p>\n

Don\u2019t let this happen to you.<\/p>\n

How to reverse an escalating lifestyle<\/p>\n