{"id":17543,"date":"2022-03-14T13:01:36","date_gmt":"2022-03-14T02:01:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/?p=17543"},"modified":"2022-04-26T15:27:47","modified_gmt":"2022-04-26T05:27:47","slug":"how-to-create-a-step-by-step-property-plan","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trc-gorod.ru\/how-to-create-a-step-by-step-property-plan\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Create A Step By Step Property Plan"},"content":{"rendered":"

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To succeed as a property investor, there is one fundamental component you need \u2013 a plan. You need a plan that leaves no bases uncovered that would potentially cause issues in the future.<\/p>\n

I often meet people who have done just about every real estate education seminar that\u2019s been offered in Australia or New Zealand. They will explain that they have continuously researched many groups and philosophies yet when questioned on what action they have taken following the event; the answer is a resounding \u2018NOTHING\u2019!<\/p>\n

This type of behaviour is called analysis paralysis.<\/p>\n


Acquiring knowledge is one thing but if you can\u2019t implement it, it becomes almost useless.<\/p>\n

You see, most people will just create a default future and sadly for many Australians and Kiwis, the result is that they end up on the pension. The statistics are, from every 100 people born, 75 will end up in retirement using the pension system to survive.<\/p>\n


If you don\u2019t like how things are, change them with the understanding that improving yourself is not a one-time thing, but rather a constant challenge!<\/p>\n

I will not let a week go by without some sort of self-improvement. I usually allocate a whole day to work on my goals, ideas and dreams.<\/p>\n

It doesn\u2019t matter what our structure looks like or how we go about shaping it, but it\u2019s important we have clear direction around what it is that we\u2019re trying to achieve. Otherwise, we just stay stagnant. We just sort of plod along.<\/p>\n

PLAN OR PLOD?<\/h3>\n

Of course, that\u2019s ok if you are choosing to plod! Some people make a life out of plodding.<\/p>\n

The other day, I drove past a surfer\u2019s car that bore the slogan, \u201cIf you work, you obviously don\u2019t surf\u201d. What a great habit for those choosing to plod along!<\/p>\n

But many of us don\u2019t want to plod, we want to make a difference.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, a lot of people don\u2019t realise that it isn\u2019t difficult to change and start making a difference.<\/p>\n


You can choose to live any way you wish. In fact, you can make the next decade dramatically different from the previous one, but only if you choose to. You have to accept change and be open to it – even greet it with wide-open arms, because it is what will help you move forward.<\/p>\n

We set out in our lives on a particular course, based on what we know. Yet, we cannot rely on loopholes and tight squeezes to get by in life, it is far better to rely on goal setting and good habits.<\/p>\n

The truth is, you\u00a0can<\/em>\u00a0map out your future. That may be, for example, retiring on $100,000 passive income per year.<\/p>\n

If that\u2019s what you need, you just have to set a goal and create a plan. Sitting on the fence just means you are delaying facing up to the reality that one day you need income to live off beyond your job.<\/p>\n

In order to set goals for the future you need to develop habits.<\/p>\n

Good habits allow you to break down an unsuccessful routine and reroute yourself to what you should be focusing on. The habits that I continually seek to improve are:<\/p>\n