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How To Buy In A Rising Market Part Two

by | Mar 24, 2021 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

After the wild popularity of Part One of this podcast (episode 32), it’s time to share part two. If you stuff up any of the three phases of the contract process, you could be in for a world of hurt. Get the masterclass on contracts in this episode so you can take advantage of this rising market.

0:43 – Got Property FOMO?

8:23 – The three piggies of real estate

22:52 – Gazumping!

25:30 – Before you go unconditional

28:54 – Conveyancer or Property Lawyer?

31:35 – Contracts do’s and don’ts

40:15 – Talking mortgages

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

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