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Boost Your Borrowing Power Through Refinancing

Listen to Wealth Coffee Chats Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ Refinancing is a powerful tool to increase your borrowing power and achieve your financial goals. In this episode, we delve into the key reasons for refinancing: resetting the loan term, consolidating...

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Latest Episodes

When Do You Refinance Your Home Loan? You’re Not Stuck With Your Current Lender

When Do You Refinance Your Home Loan? You’re Not Stuck With Your Current Lender

When do you know it’s time to refinance your loan? What is the role a broker plays in your investment strategy? Great questions. In this video Bradley Tefft passionately steps you through how important a broker is in your investment strategy and how at the end of the day, the banks and major lenders DO NOT hold all the cards when it comes to your interest rate. It’s absolutely possible to refinance and find greener pastures. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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Keep You Safe, Make You Wealthy. What Does That Mean for Property Owners?

Keep You Safe, Make You Wealthy. What Does That Mean for Property Owners?

Introducing Cass Sjostedt, General Manager of R&W Plus Property Management. In this video Cass walks us through the current state of Australian rents, the importance of communication with your property managers and why yearly rent appraisals can potentially generate as much as an additional 5k per year in revenue for you. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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Working With These 6 Professionals Will Improve Your Property Investment Success

Working With These 6 Professionals Will Improve Your Property Investment Success

Super successful long term property investment isn’t a get rich quick scheme – it requires patience, planning and outside help with a dedicated team. Who’s on your team? In this video Jason Whitton walks us through the 6 professionals that any great investor needs to succeed, their roles and how you can use them to springboard to wealth success. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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Is Brisbane a Good Place to Invest? House Prices Just Hit 800K

Is Brisbane a Good Place to Invest? House Prices Just Hit 800K

In this video Jason Whitton walks us through the massive changes happening in Queensland that are driving up property values there; a huge building boom, warm climate and over 58,000 new jobs are pushing Brisbane property values to their limits. But is it a good place to invest? Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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When Will Interest Rates Drop Here’s What Will Happen When They Do

When Will Interest Rates Drop Here’s What Will Happen When They Do

Here Jason Whitton explains the causal effects of rising interest rates and the highlights the huge gap between where Australia’s housing industry is currently at and where it needs to be. Most importantly Jason discusses what will happen when Australia’s interest rates finally drop and when the big four banks predict it will occur. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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How to Make 100K in Passive Income (Or More) Through Property Investment

How to Make 100K in Passive Income (Or More) Through Property Investment

Who wants 100k in passive income, or more? How many properties will that take? What sort of return are you expecting? Great questions. In this video Jason Whitton takes us through the basics behind understanding your investment goals and answers the question, “How many properties do I need to start generating regular, passive income that replaces my regular wage?” Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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How Do I Continue Buying Investment Properties? (Turning One Property Into Many)

How Do I Continue Buying Investment Properties? (Turning One Property Into Many)

How do I keep buying investment properties? It’s simple, increase a bit of this and reduce a bit of that. In this video Jason Whitton explains how being proactive with your ability to borrow and save drastically increases your ability to purchase your next investment property, ensuring that you can continue buying into the future to reach your investment goals. How does that work? Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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If You Earn More Than $250K Your Tax Can Double.

If You Earn More Than $250K Your Tax Can Double.

A quick update from Jason Whitton this morning hot on the heels of the Positive Mentor Exit Plan live event. If your income and concessional super contributions total more than $250k, the government can tax you between 15-30%. A sobering thought. Planning your tax strategy is essential as a property investor. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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Commercial Real Estate Has the Highest Vacancy Rate Since 1996.

Commercial Real Estate Has the Highest Vacancy Rate Since 1996.

Right now in Australia commercial real estate is facing a massive challenge; what to do in the face of rising vacancy rates and falling commercial values. In this video Jason Whitton explains the differences between residential and commercial real estate and why houses are a more solid bet for investors that are looking to make great rental returns over a 15-20 year period. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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It’s Happening: The Largest Ever Gap Between Income and House Prices

It’s Happening: The Largest Ever Gap Between Income and House Prices

Right now we’re seeing the largest gap between income and house prices in Australian history. In this video Jason Whitton explains why the rise of interest rates has driven a sharp increase to the premium price of houses across Australia, and why new home owners and investors are shifting their focus to apartments and units. What does this mean for investors? Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

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