Latest Episodes

10 Lessons from 3 Decades of Property Wisdom

10 Lessons from 3 Decades of Property Wisdom

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ All the key points of property investing are covered in this...

10 Lessons from 3 Decades of Property Wisdom

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ All the key points of property investing are covered in this episode, so if you’ve missed any previous lessons on real estate you can catch up here. Learn what it takes to be the best property...

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Latest Episodes

Navigating The Inflation Minefield

Navigating The Inflation Minefield

Inflation, inflation… and more inflation. Will it ever end? How do you invest in real estate when prices are going up and up and up.

On this episode, I will take you through how to navigate your way through the minefield that is inflation. Not landmines but the fast-moving real estate market that’s got everyone on their toes right now!

From extending your mortgage (if you’re young) to timing your rent increase and locking in your equity, I leave no stone unturned to help you crack the codes to investing during this period of inflation.

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The Psychology of Wealth Creation

The Psychology of Wealth Creation

Do you have the psychology to be wealthy? Truly wealthy? I’m talking the ability to look rejection in the face and not be turned off by it. Do you have the belief system to ask for help? Can you ask for money and seize opportunity when it strikes?

Are you happy? And if not, how is that impacting your money mindset? Would you say that your well-being is up to standard? How does this affect your investing journey?

Answers to these questions and more are the foundation of today’s episode.

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The Huge $6.2 Trillion Dollar Handover Coming Your Way

The Huge $6.2 Trillion Dollar Handover Coming Your Way

So over the coming years, Australia’s Baby Boomers are going to hand over more than $6 trillion to their families!! Can you believe it? That’s not a small amount of cash. How do we know this? The latest census and our good friends at the Australian Bureau of Statistics have their fingers on the pulse, and this is just massive for property investors – both current and future ones.

I’ll tell you what… We are headed for paradise (property investors that is). As long as you pay attention and understand the possible changes and movements projected to unfold in the near future, you’ll thank your lucky stars you were a property investor.

I say it every week, but I really think this is a code cracker of an episode. There are more than 6 trillion reasons to listen if you ask me!

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How To Master The Tension of Investing in Real Estate

How To Master The Tension of Investing in Real Estate

There’s a lot of tension in the market place right now. But there’s a lot of tension at all phases of investing in real estate, and at all parts of the cycle. Some tensions just feel better than others! Right now is an incredibly important time to do the maths correctly on your assets, and to do your research and due diligence on the location of your assets, or assets to be.

Are you delivering the best result for your bank account? Are your properties the best possible version of themselves? Listen in on this episode to uncover how to master the tensions of real estate, no matter how big or small your portfolio.

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How To Invest When Inflation is Hitting a 30 Year High

How To Invest When Inflation is Hitting a 30 Year High

The average Aussie is worth $532,000! That’s right, if you’re not near that figure, you’re behind the average – and I want you to pick up your game! We are the 13th richest country on planet earth, so you either play at the level that the country finds itself in, or you get left behind and live in relative poverty. Lifestyle can be a brutal sport, but this is the game we find ourselves in.

With inflation getting set to hit 30 year highs, investors more than ever need to know the rules of the game in a sport where interest rates are rising, cost of living is rising, which means rents are rising – and who collects the rents?! That’s right, the investor.

In this episode I’ll take you through what all of this means. From booming prices in seafood and lettuce, to the crazy world out there and even crazier property market. Take some notes, and then go out and play some golf!

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Tax, Positive & Negative Gearing – All You Need To Know

Tax, Positive & Negative Gearing – All You Need To Know

This episode is all about the tax man or woman. How do we get the most out of tax season as a property investor? How do we legally deduct as much tax as possible and when do we incur certain expenses? With the tax system so heavily in favour of property investors, it’s important to know how to maximise your opportunity as an investor.

I talk about so much on this episode, including –
• The right way to find an accountant
• The difference between positive and negative cashflow
• Why positive cashflow properties can be fools gold
• Where you can still get positive cashflow (but won’t get capital gains)

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How to Create Equity

How to Create Equity

On episode 102 of Urban Property Investor, we are farming. How do we farm equity? How do you develop properties? How do you kickstart your financial independence? All these red hot questions and more get answered on this episode.

I also share some stories that won’t necessarily add context or value to your investing journey! But I think their interesting and worth a mention on this episode. From falling out of trees to climbing 8 storeys for love, full Rapunzel style, is there anything this episode doesn’t include?

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Property Investing 101’s

Property Investing 101’s

Welcome to episode 101. In line with today’s episode number, what better time to take you through the 101s of property investing than today!

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or only starting your property investing journey, you’ll find some cracking tips and lessons on this ep.

From understanding growth, banks, the media and the real estate supply chain, there’s no stone unturned in this 101s of investing episode.

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The Future of Real Estate in Australia

The Future of Real Estate in Australia

Today is an auspicious day! It’s episode 100 of the Urban Property Investor! I think I should throw a party with all of you wonderful listeners!

To commemorate the episode I’m going to talk about the future of real estate investing in Australia. What are the pros and what are the cons of even choosing real estate? Don’t worry, there are plenty of cons! This isn’t some weird way to sell you on real estate. It’s bloody hard work and takes a bloody long time to see the returns.

But if you don’t know these pros and cons, then you don’t know the game of real estate. And take my word for it, this thing is a game, and you need to know the rules.

So come join me where I break down the biggest benefits and downfalls of our current Australian marketplace and look into the future. We raise the bat for 100 episodes for which I thank you. And now, let’s get code-cracking…

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The 8 Risks of Property Investing

The 8 Risks of Property Investing

You can’t deny that there’s an element of risk in any type of investment. What smart investors do is mitigate as much risk as they can comfortably deal with.

Today I’m going to expose the 8 major risks of investing in real estate. Technically I’m talking about four risks and four gaps, but even the gaps are risks!

And if anyone ever tells you property is a no-risk game, run away as fast as you can!

I want to share with you the truths behind property investing so please take notes because I want you to consider these risks every time you look at a deal.

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12 Golden Steps To Finding The Perfect Property

12 Golden Steps To Finding The Perfect Property

I feel like this episode is THE ONE! I think this episode is the GOLDEN TICKET and I am Willy Wonka, inviting you into the chocolate factory! So get ready for a behind-the-scenes tour of real estate and promise me you’ll follow these 12 Golden Steps to Finding The Perfect Property!!

I’m pumped to share these with you, and even Raffy won’t stop licking my toes he’s so excited! Seriously …

Get ready as I open the playbook in what I think is the most important episode of the Urban Property Investor I’ve ever recorded!

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5 Dysfunctions of A Property Investor

5 Dysfunctions of A Property Investor

There are five dysfunctions of a property investor, and it applies to every single investor. In other words, you will want to score yourself against each of the five listed in this episode. Thanks to Patrick Lencioni and his 5 Dysfunctions of a Team framework of which I have applied his teachings to real estate investors.

When the 5 dysfunctions are active in investors, millions of dollars are wasted or never realised. WHat’s holding investors back? And what’s keeping so many stuck in one or more dysfunctions? Be prepared for part 1 of a 2 part collection where we restart and rethink our behaviour as investors and give our STRATEGY a major audit.

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