Latest Episodes

Decoding The Federal Budget 2024

Decoding The Federal Budget 2024

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ The annual federal budget has been released, and I’m here to get...

Decoding The Federal Budget 2024

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ The annual federal budget has been released, and I’m here to get down to the nitty gritty and decode it. All the way from rate cuts and the projected housing target, to reverting inflation...

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Latest Episodes

What are the Experts Number 1 Lesson?

What are the Experts Number 1 Lesson?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in the investing world?
Is it better to buy the worst house on the best street, or the best house on the best street? Are you seeking a quick fix, or playing the long game?

If you don’t think ahead you could miss out on some amazing opportunities.

This episode has it all – dodging diminishing marginal returns, what properties to look for and we tackle a very notorious question for all property investors. You won’t want to miss the answer. Tune in now.

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What Are The Stages in Investing?

What Are The Stages in Investing?

Are you following the right path to becoming a successful property investor? How do you avoid making the same common mistakes as everyone else?

The insider knowledge is free and it’s here! In this episode it’s all about the stages of life with your investing, and how to dodge all distractions to keep you on top of your wealth creation game.

Listen in because you will not want to miss a second.

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Interest Rates Moving into the Future

Interest Rates Moving into the Future

So interest is moving again! What do we do now that interest is only moving a quarter of a percent? Is the market stabilising? Are we in for a big storm?

Get on the radar of what’s coming up and join me where we talk about everything from Interest, Wage Growth, my Leafblowing maniac neighbour and so much more.

There’s a lot to take in, a lot to benefit your back pocket. It’s your choice to win big or not win at all.

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Can You Predict Capital Growth?

Can You Predict Capital Growth?

Have you ever tried to predict the real estate market? If you have, it’s likely more than not that you were wrong. Let’s not predict the market, let’s be predictive about the market.

Come join me on this episode where we use property design theory in order to grasp trends, what may happen, what is happening, what to look out for and how to prepare.

2023 isn’t too far around the corner now, and with so much nonsense flooding the market you need the right answers, this is where you’ll get the right answers. Listen up, it’s your money and investments on the line.

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Your Economic Freedoms Are Being Stolen

Your Economic Freedoms Are Being Stolen

Do you ever wonder how you can make the most out of living in Australia? Join me where I’m talking about all the ways to keep up with growth in Australia. Don’t let inflation beat you.

Get right into the nitty and gritty of Australia’s economics, understand it and dominate it. This episode is one you won’t want to miss.

Australia goes up 2-3% growth every year, do you?

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Why To Invest In Perth

Why To Invest In Perth

Perth. Isolated, stunning and opportunistic. Right now you can get 3 Perth properties for the price of 1 Sydney property. Perth is one of the most underrated places in the world, with great potential to grow into a Sydney-type market.

But before you start jumping in and putting offers on real estate in Perth, you’ll want to know and understand this market. This episode is your kickstart to understanding Perth and why it’s a New World City (I’ll explain what that means in the podcast).

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Lessons From Queen Lizzy

Lessons From Queen Lizzy

The Monarch has been passed on. Let’s revisit some core pieces of Queen Lizzy’s run as Queen – her amazing grace, purpose and what she stood for. Become a property investor Lizzy’s way and learn the secret to staying alive as long as she did – maybe even how to get to 100 not out.

Some strategies, stories and more important investing topics to tune into. Not one minute of this cracking episode should be missed. Make sure to tune in!

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7 Ways Community Creates Capital Growth

7 Ways Community Creates Capital Growth

Community is a warm and fuzzy word for many people – it’s not often used in real estate investing terms. But it’s one of the most understated drivers of capital growth that could – and should – make your investing journey a whole lot easier.

When you know the 7 drivers of community – from natural habitat, to built space, social status and more – you’ll know why community is so integral to real estate.

If you meet someone in the Sahara desert and you tell them your from Sydney, the first thing they’re going to ask you is about the Sydney Opera House or the Harbour Bridge. The built environment is a major part of the pull of Sydney. Not so Brisbane, which has fewer landmarks.

Keeping all of this in mind is key when choosing where you invest. Ignore this episode at your peril, and you’ll probably end up investing in Lake Weirdo! 😂

Are you starting off the journey of becoming a property investor, or even a property owner? Tune into episode 113 to hear the best from the best, I encourage all listeners to put on their thinking caps.

We are learning essentials and breaking down locations like ‘Sydney’ and why the market is in such a craze, doubling prices of other markets.
Learn the 7 drivers to take your backpocket into the millions. The 7 influencers that took Sydney to the top.

If you’re an investor, you’re going to want to know what to look for. Listen in Property Investors, this one is for every one of you.

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Regional Property Investing Pros and Cons

Regional Property Investing Pros and Cons

Once upon a time, this show could have been called the Regional Property Investor. Because I’ve invested in nearly every corner of the country! From towns you’ve never heard of to big regional centres, I’ve done my time in Australia’s less population regions.

So today I’m going to answer a question that I get asked a lot! Should I invest in regional towns, and if so where?

So today I’ll go through the pros and cons, the differences, the similarities and more. I’ll take you through some of the best and worst investments I’ve seen in the regional marketplace as well as what to look out for in regionals moving forward.

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How to Win in A Downturn

How to Win in A Downturn

Welcome my Urban Property Investors! Downturns is the topic of the day, and as property investors, I want you to know that they are not as scary as many want you to believe them to be! So I’m here to tell you not to worry.

I’ve had my many experiences and stories to the point that I can assure you that if you’re looking for the right components when investing you’ve struck home base.

This episode I will be taking you through my many different strategies and experiences to better off you guys in your investing world. Better listen up, Episode 111 is all dealing with downturns and keeping your sanity so that you don’t get spooked out of a good decision.

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18 Ways To Price Real Estate

18 Ways To Price Real Estate

Are you stuck on Pricing island? The real estate market is constantly going up, so where does this put you and your properties on the pricing scale?

Listen in on the many strategies (18 in fact) that have elevated my own properties to the best spot for maximum cash flow. From language barriers, gentrification cycles, competitive pricing… to everyone’s favourite banoffee pie!

Enjoy the pod!

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How to Win with Airbnb & Short Stay Investing

How to Win with Airbnb & Short Stay Investing

Will investing for Airbnb deliver a bigger and better profit for you?

On this episode, I’m talking about all things short stay accommodation. The intangibles, the secrets, the hidden profits as well of the obvious ones.

Winning a short stay is not about buying a property and sticking it on Airbnb. Success is far more nuanced than that but also relies on the same approach we take with investing in other markets.

There’s no doubt that short stay is becoming more and more of a property investor’s delight. With the potential for quick turnarounds and providing a personal holiday experience what’s not to like?

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