Latest Episodes

Millennials Are In Charge And We’re All Screwed Or Will It Make Us A Fortune

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ The highest age population in Australia sits within the millennial age bracket. What does this mean for us investors? In this episode, learn to target the millennial property market areas as we...

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Latest Episodes

Master Your Relationship With Money

Master Your Relationship With Money

How’s your relationship with money? It’s a big question very few people like to talk about. For most Australians, it’s terrible AF. That’s why most Australians end up on the pension. On this episode, I share why it’s so bad for most, and how to improve your relationship with money so that you can join the top 1% of Australians who achieve financial independence. I even share stories of a 27 and 31-year-old who are well on their way.

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Australia’s #1 Place To Invest

Australia’s #1 Place To Invest

Where is the number one place to invest in Australia? Most people would say Sydney. And if not, then Melbourne would come second. But really, if you want to invest in a city that is 80 years behind Sydney, and has an incredible growth curve ahead of it, the number one place to invest in Australia is Brisbane. And I’m not the only one who sees it that way. On this episode, I give you the art, science and philosophy of why investing in Brisbane could be one of the best financial decisions you ever make.

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How To Ride The Real Estate Wave

How To Ride The Real Estate Wave

Are you ready to ride the next big wave of real estate? Most people are looking for the big wave, but I’m here to tell you the undercurrent is where the money’s made. Being able to understand the undercurrent of real estate – which I outline in this episode – will save you from disaster and also help you maximise your investment.

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The Secret Language of Real Estate

The Secret Language of Real Estate

There is a secret language to real estate that most investors do not know. Knowing that most real estate is not worth touching, how do you then listen to the “secret language” of properties that are desirable. This episode explains this secret language so that you buy desirable real estate that will not only provide quality housing to people but help you crack the code of real estate. Enjoy!

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Create Wealth With Smart Cities

Create Wealth With Smart Cities

More than one-quarter of all suburbs in Australia are considered “smart”. Do you know what that means? If not, then this episode will explain all.

When I went to school, one in ten students went on to get an undergraduate degree. These days, it’s at 50%! We are becoming a smart nation, and real estate grows in areas where smart people live.

So, if you’ve been tempted to buy that bargain-basement property in a place where no one will live in the future, you’ve arrived just in time!

Real estate wealth lives in smart cities and smart neighbourhoods. Know where they are, invest in them, and real estate wealth is yours.

NOTE: I referenced a model regularly in this episode. If you want it send me a message on Facebook @SamSaggers and I’ll send it to you.

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How To Create Capital Growth

How To Create Capital Growth

Even though it’s the toughest of times for so many, economic downturns signify a new era of wealth building and represent an incredible opportunity to achieve capital growth.

This episode is dedicated to outlining how capital growth will be 20% + by 2022 (as projected by Westpac) and why now is the best time to take advantage of it.

The next 18 months signify perhaps the most important time for property investors and wannabe property investors. As I say towards the end of the episode, if you don’t get in now, you might be waiting for a very long time before you can afford to get into the property market.

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The Rebirth of Real Estate

The Rebirth of Real Estate

Urban Rebirth is happening right in front of our eyes, never more so than during COVID-19. 24-hour cities, so long a normal part of Europe are on the agenda for Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. To understand how this shapes your investing decisions, think no further than the 5km radius rule implemented in Melbourne during lockdown.

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The Phygital World

The Phygital World

22 million out of Australia’s 25 million live in the urban world. From capital cities and large regional centres, most of us live very close together. And that won’t be changing anytime soon.

And whilst many people are working from home at the moment, the digital age will not destroy the physical way of life. Instead, we are now living in the phygital world – the combination of the physical and the digital. And as a property investor, it’s paramount to know what this means for real estate.

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Milking The Foreign Cash For Real Estate Wealth

Milking The Foreign Cash For Real Estate Wealth

There are five groups of home buyers that create a booming market in real estate. They are –
1) First home buyers
2) Downsizers
3) Upgraders
4) Investors and
5) Foreign investors.

When all of those groups shop at once, you have a feeding frenzy, also known as a property boom!

On this episode, I want to focus on one big feeder – foreign investment – and explain to you how it works, and most importantly, why it can help you unlock the code of real estate wealth.

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Back to the Future: Space vs Place

Back to the Future: Space vs Place

Get ready for a trip back to the future! This episode is a bit of a brain bender in that you may never think of real estate in the same way ever again!

If you grew up with a room full of records, a shelf full of videotapes or DVDs or a shelf full of books, you’ll know that all of them can now be reduced down to the size of your phone or tablet.

Real estate is experiencing a metamorphosis from space to place. What do I mean? Check it all out on this episode.

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Turning Ugly Ducklings Into Beautiful Swans

Turning Ugly Ducklings Into Beautiful Swans

We’ve hit double figures on the Urban Property Investor! Welcome to episode 10 – I’m beginning to feel all grown up in podcast land!

Today we’re talking gentrification. How some suburbs turn into Places. Why does Redfern become refined? Why are the likes of Manly and Bondi a BRAND and not just a suburb? It’s all down to gentrification.

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Real Estate Cash Cows

Real Estate Cash Cows

Many Australians love Kochie’s Cash Cow on Sunrise because it gives out money! But there’s a better cash cow out there – real estate. Good real estate provides even more cash than Kochie’s cash cow, and on this episode, I look at the many ways the real estate cash cow spits out income.

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