Latest Episodes

How To Invest In Mega Trends

How To Invest In Mega Trends

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ Where to next for us property investors? Where should we be...

How To Invest In Mega Trends

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ Where to next for us property investors? Where should we be looking to invest our money? In this episode learn how to find and execute on the right trends in order to create big profits out of...

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Latest Episodes

How to Buy in a Rising Market

How to Buy in a Rising Market

I believe this is perhaps the final year to invest in property for the first time. The rising market is here, and if you don’t get into the market in 2021, you might be waiting a very long time.

Links mentioned in this episode:
SQM Research – Awesome when wanting to understanding the rental market
MicroBurbs – Great analyser on sophistication of a suburb

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Understanding the Current Real Estate Market

Understanding the Current Real Estate Market

Understanding today’s market has a marker all of us have never had before: COVID. From open homes being shut down during outbreaks to wild price rises in certain locations, understanding the market in 2021 is nuanced compared to other rising markets.

Where is Australia’s most undersupplied location? The answer may surprise. What’s up with the real estate FOMO? And how do we fix this supply issue? Oh and one more thing, I’m fundraising for love – yep, my friend Elle is looking for love and I’m going to play cupid and raise money for Room to Read at the same time!

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Mastering Money Shameshot list

Mastering Money Shameshot list

I had to battle some big money shame demons growing up. I’ve since learnt that I wasn’t alone! Did you know most people feel ashamed about money and their financial status! Remember, no one is born knowing anything about money. Most of us get to our adult life with no comprehension about money. And that’s OK. Warren Buffet wasn’t extremely wealthy until his late 50s. If you’re hard on yourself around money and not recognising that it is a continuous learning process, your money muscles will remain small. This is a big conversation; I hope you enjoy.

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The 10 Ingredients Of Real Estate Wealth

The 10 Ingredients Of Real Estate Wealth

This episode is like the home cooking show of real estate wealth! I’ve got 10 ingredients to put into this recipe that generates wealth – when you follow the recipe of course.

Check yourself against each of the 10 ingredients – and make sure you include the ones you aren’t using at the moment.

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Town Planning: The Treasure Map Of Real Estate Wealth

Town Planning: The Treasure Map Of Real Estate Wealth

Town planning can make or break your investment. For every billion people there is on earth, you need a trillion dollars of infrastructure to service them. With the population rising, you can be sure to find real estate on the treasure chest of wealth. If cities and towns aren’t planned well though, your investment can be a recipe for disaster.

This is a code-cracking episode of the most important kind! I hope you enjoy!

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Winning In The Green Economy

Winning In The Green Economy

How do you win in the green economy? When investing in real estate, climate change and the environment are more important to factor in than ever. You don’t want to buy property that will be uninsurable in the future. And that’s becoming more common by the day. More than 700,000 dwellings will be uninsurable in the future due to risk of natural disasters.

What is the star rating of the suburb you live in? Some are terrible, and it’s little wonder why. The higher the star rating, the likelihood of that area appreciating in value and being highly sought after.

Property investors can embrace the idea that if you invest in an area centred around wellness, you can almost bet on that it will rise in value.

Inequality is one of the biggest megatrends on the planet today. So what does that mean for us property investors? And what can you do to avoid ending up on the wrong side of inequality in your lifetime? This is quite a deep conversation, but we are going to tackle it here and maybe even have a little fun with it.

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My 2021 Property Predictions

My 2021 Property Predictions

I love this time of the year for our desire to look ahead! With 2020 behind us, what does the coming year look like in the world of real estate, especially for investors? I have my views, and I must say they are largely optimistic. Of course, whilst some uncertainty still remains, these cannot be set in stone, but with the government supporting almost every element of real estate, you can be more confident than not that 2021 will be a strong year for investors.

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How To Master Wealth Sabotage & Fear

How To Master Wealth Sabotage & Fear

How much does fear control your investment decisions? And did you know that we all sabotage in different ways? From the victim to the avoider and many in between, there are a number of ways we sabotage.

And most importantly, we all do it uniquely. It’s so important to know what type of saboteur you are. I share my own profile on this episode, including how I’ve sabotaged wealth in the past.

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How To Invest In 2021 And Beyond

How To Invest In 2021 And Beyond

My resolution for you is that you create the wealth to earn $3000 per week from real estate. Yes, that’s my plan for you! You might prefer $2000 or $1000 or $5000 per week. That’s up to 🙂 If you think that’s a good plan for you, then you’ll love this episode! Because as we get into 2021, I don’t want you to make a NY Resolution to plank for 60 seconds. No! I want you to resolve to be one of the 1% of Australians that own 5 investment properties or more.

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Win The Race Against Time

Win The Race Against Time

How do you treat time? What is your relationship with time like? At times likes this (Merry Christmas!), people think they have no time. But think about it, time is all we have!

And from an investing point of view – you’re doing well if you live for three property cycles. Yes, only three. Each cycle goes for approximately 15 years, and most people don’t fully appreciate how quickly that time goes.

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How To Find The Perfect Apartment

How To Find The Perfect Apartment

Frontage, floor plans and natural light. Metreage versus volume and circulation space, storage space and community space. These are just some of the major considerations to make when looking at investing in apartments.

Most investors never crack the code of apartments. Small, completely dysfunctional apartments exist everywhere. Knowing how to decipher the best from the rest will make you so glad you made apartments a part of your portfolio.

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How To Win With Off the Plan Real Estate

How To Win With Off the Plan Real Estate

Off the plan, also known as pre-construction real estate divides investors more than many other topics. It’s more divisive than homes vs apartments, move out or renovate, and maybe even more divisive than Apple vs Samsung and Trump v Biden!

I definitely have a confirmation bias towards including off the plan real estate in your portfolio. I also share my reasons when pre-construction real estate may not be a good idea.

If you only want one or two investment properties in your life, this episode will bore you. If you have ambitions to have more than that, this episode may crack the code of your financial future.

Inequality is one of the biggest megatrends on the planet today. So what does that mean for us property investors? And what can you do to avoid ending up on the wrong side of inequality in your lifetime? This is quite a deep conversation, but we are going to tackle it here and maybe even have a little fun with it.

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