Latest Episodes

Wealth Creation Through Property Investment

Wealth Creation Through Property Investment

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ Get the expert's guidance on creating wealth through property...

Wealth Creation Through Property Investment

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast NowDiscover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ Get the expert's guidance on creating wealth through property investing, all the tips and tricks are here! From building a safety blanket through an investment moat to taking the right advice...

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Latest Episodes

The Biggest Lie of Investing Revealed

The Biggest Lie of Investing Revealed

You have been lied to… by you! Today we are talking about the biggest lie you have been telling yourself about real estate investment and your wealth creation journey. Want to know what it is? I could just TELL you, but then you wouldn’t learn. It’s embedded in this podcast – feel free to DM me when you think you’ve found it!

Today, I am talking about some key lessons I learned from Dr. Andrew Wilson, a housing economist and a funny bloke. He is a member of the Chartered Surveyors Community, a wealth of knowledge, and a voice of reason when it comes to real estate investment. I’ve adapted his predictions into my strategies and share them with you today!

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20 Investing Lessons from COVID-19

20 Investing Lessons from COVID-19

What do you need to know about corona economics? We have learned a lot of lessons through investing during the pandemic, and I want to highlight some of those today. I have a list of 20 however I don’t think I’ll get through them all! I want you to walk away from this episode understanding what happens when real estate markets transform and what will happen if we don’t take advantage of the lessons that are right in front of us.

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My Real Estate Pet Hates

My Real Estate Pet Hates

This episode is about all of the things in the real estate community that piss me off. From investors consulting clickbait on social media to predatorial real estate agents giving themselves fake awards, we are going to talk about everything that is wrong with the real estate industry that you need to know about as a property investor. Hopefully, after listening to this you will be able to avoid some of the most common pitfalls that property investors fall into during their wealth-building journey.

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How I Buy Real Estate with Superannuation

How I Buy Real Estate with Superannuation

We are code-cracking superannuation, the idea of having your own self-managed super fund. I am not licensed to give advice on this, but I will share what I know. Please don’t take anything I am about to tell you as real financial advice, and please consult your financial advisor for real guidance on how to navigate this topic. What I am able to share is my experience and story buying my own property inside of a superannuation fund. My story is different from yours, so you might not be able to replicate it. The purpose of this episode is to share my experience and explain why I value creating debt-free investments to fund my retirement.

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How to Understand Real Estate Stats

How to Understand Real Estate Stats

When it comes to real estate, there is a lot of data out there. Some of that data is important for your success as a property investor, and some of that data is absolutely useless or even misguiding. So what stats are you meant to pay attention to and what should you absolutely ignore? This episode is a guide to real estate stats that is so simple that it could fit on the back of a beer coaster. Listen to this episode to journey through macro and microdata that will help you to excel as a property investor.

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What The Brisbane Olympics Means for Investors

What The Brisbane Olympics Means for Investors

Brisbane is about to WIN the Olympic Games. I am recording this episode before the announcement, and I am guessing that by the time this episode airs, Brisbane will be the winner of the 2032 Olympics. If I end up being incorrect, you’ll never get this hour of your life back! But I still think there’s a heap of value bombs in here 🙂

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The Future of Real Estate

The Future of Real Estate

This episode is all about the FUTURE! Picture this – for every two properties we already have, we need to build another one to accommodate our growing population. Specifically, we will need about 1.7 million new dwellings in New South Wales alone in the future. We will have to increase the amount of real estate by 30 percent and Sydney is currently the second most expensive city on earth, so where is all of this new real estate going to come from? Will there be government initiatives to help people get into the market and create more dwellings? What it certainly means is if you make the right investments today and hold on, you could be retiring on a lot of income in the future.

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Mastering The Emotions of Real Estate

Mastering The Emotions of Real Estate

Human beings are so irrational when it comes to real estate. We are a sensitive bunch, human beings. And when you study real estate you are studying what people think about property. Becoming a great property investor is about understanding psychology and behavioral economics. Today’s show is about investigating some of the dynamics of how people interact with the real estate economy.

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Why 99% of People Fail In Real Estate

Why 99% of People Fail In Real Estate

Only 1% of people really succeed with real estate investing. So why do 99% of people fail – and what do you need to do to ensure you’re not one of them? If you own real estate already, today’s show just might burst your bubble. We explore property management and reveal what type of buyer you actually are. Nobody really wants to own anything, because when you own something you have to be accountable for it. So in this episode, we will talk about how to navigate the property-owning journey. Because often the conversation in real estate is centred around buying and selling. But what about the big part in the middle? Welcome to Episode 50 of the Urban Property Investor!

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My Economics Cheat Sheet for Property Investors

My Economics Cheat Sheet for Property Investors

You don’t need to be an economist to know that the ingredients of an economy are profoundly linked to the success of your real estate investment. In this episode, I discuss the state of the Australian economy and what that means for property investors today.

If you are a property investor in Australia, and you are wondering if you should look at investments outside of Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane and if you want to be more informed about the current housing market, then this episode is going to be really helpful for you.

We talk about the economics and culture of many major cities in Australia and some of the dark horse areas that you might want to keep your eye on, like Tasmania.

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How To Value Real Estate

How To Value Real Estate

This episode is a crash course in real estate evaluation. You will learn the different ways to value properties when you are shopping for real estate, and we will be looking at the factors that banks and evaluators weigh when you are applying for a loan to make a property investment. This episode is a must-listen before putting down that deposit or applying for that loan.

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The 7 Deadly Sins of Real Estate Investing

The 7 Deadly Sins of Real Estate Investing

There are 7 deadly sins of real estate investing. From bad advice to bad location, it’s imperative you know of and mark yourself against all seven for your current portfolio or purchases to come. Property investing is difficult. Not many people end up with multiple properties and financial freedom, and I am going to share the common reasons why that happens, so you don’t end up becoming a repentant investing sinner in search of forgiveness!

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