Latest Episodes

Why Comfort Equals Dying Dreams For Property Investors

Why Comfort Equals Dying Dreams For Property Investors

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ In 2024 as a property investor, you will have to be courageous....

Why Comfort Equals Dying Dreams For Property Investors

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ In 2024 as a property investor, you will have to be courageous. Comfortability will not only harm you, but also your future. Courage over comfortability.  Get your mindset right for the new...

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Latest Episodes

The Pyramid of Liveability

The Pyramid of Liveability

Today we are digging into the Pyramid of Liveability and how it can create incredible wealth in real estate. There are magnets that pull people to certain areas, and the magnets in recent years have become increasingly related to lifestyle. With more people working from home, and with the smart economy creating more wealthy people, live, work, play, are the factors that are influencing people’s decisions on where to live. In this episode, I talk about the three different lifestyle chasers to know as a real estate investor, and I talk about why the best real estate decisions are the ones that factor in traditional economics and behavioural economics.

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Love and Money

Love and Money

Most of us have visions of sharing a home with the person we love. However, in Australia and many other countries, real estate owes a large part of its success to divorce! Approximately 50% of marriages end up down the drain, leaving many to look for a new shelter. In 2019 113,000 marriages and 49,000 divorces were granted in Australia, whilst the ABS has the median duration of marriage at 12.2 years.

Married or divorced, single or loved up, this episode cracks the code of winning in love and money.

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How Climate Change Impacts Real Estate

How Climate Change Impacts Real Estate

Is it just me or is there an environmental event or catastrophe happening more and more?
When you consider that 1 in 20 or 720,000 properties in Australia will not be insurable by 2050, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that climate change is real. As a real estate investor, you don’t want to make the mistake of owning one of them!

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My Strategy To Win In The 2021 Property Boom

My Strategy To Win In The 2021 Property Boom

Are you ready to get into the market in 2021? This could be the last good year to invest for at least a decade. Most markets are on the up – prices are just going up and up and up. Knowing how to buy in a boom is an art that you need to be prepared for.

Sadly, there are millions of Australians who will never be able to enter the market due to the current boom. You don’t want to be one of them. This episode is all about making sure YOU boom along with the market in 2021.

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How to Make Money in House & Land

How to Make Money in House & Land

This episode is dedicated to my beautiful dog Hannah, who has died. Pets can teach us so much about life.

House and land can be an incredibly attractive investment – when done right. And if done wrong, it can be a financial nightmare.

On this episode, I take you through 8 essential ingredients for succeeding at house and land. If you already have it – score yourself – and if you’re considering investing in H&L, make sure you listen to this episode in full and check all 8 items off before putting in an offer!

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The Steps To Master Real Estate Investing

The Steps To Master Real Estate Investing

Do you know a good deal from a bad deal? Do you know when to walk away? Autonomy as a property investor takes time – but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth going for.

On this episode, I’m talking about mastery – and how not committing to mastering your investment journey will only end up one way – losing hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

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How To Buy In A Rising Market Part Two

How To Buy In A Rising Market Part Two

After the wild popularity of Part One of this podcast (episode 32), it’s time to share part two. If you stuff up any of the three phases of the contract process, you could be in for a world of hurt. Get the masterclass on contracts in this episode so you can take advantage of this rising market.

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Beware The Real Estate Disruptors

Beware The Real Estate Disruptors

I will do whatever it takes to record the Urban Property Investor podcast! This week’s episode comes to you from my man cave because the neighbours are being so loud!

This is an episode about the future – and how the major disruptions society faces will make or break our success as a real estate investors.

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How To Renovate And Win Big

How To Renovate And Win Big

Wanting to start a reno but not sure where to begin?

It’s so enticing to renovate as soon as you buy an investment property – but if you choose well and think wisely, you’re better off waiting ten years and renovating with equity instead of cash.

Most people want to do a structural renovation on their home or IP, but often all that’s required is a cosmetic renovation. Unless you’re a professional renovator, structural renovation can be a major time and money blowout, not to mention the emotional investment!

On this episode, I discuss the variety of renovating options available to you.

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How to Borrow More Money & Master Finance

How to Borrow More Money & Master Finance

Do you want to beat the banks at their own game? In this episode, I want to show you how to master financing your property portfolio. Yes, finance is the key to capital, and the more you can borrow sensibly, the faster you get to crack the code of real estate wealth.

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How to Buy in a Rising Market

How to Buy in a Rising Market

I believe this is perhaps the final year to invest in property for the first time. The rising market is here, and if you don’t get into the market in 2021, you might be waiting a very long time.

Links mentioned in this episode:
SQM Research – Awesome when wanting to understanding the rental market
MicroBurbs – Great analyser on sophistication of a suburb

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Understanding the Current Real Estate Market

Understanding the Current Real Estate Market

Understanding today’s market has a marker all of us have never had before: COVID. From open homes being shut down during outbreaks to wild price rises in certain locations, understanding the market in 2021 is nuanced compared to other rising markets.

Where is Australia’s most undersupplied location? The answer may surprise. What’s up with the real estate FOMO? And how do we fix this supply issue? Oh and one more thing, I’m fundraising for love – yep, my friend Elle is looking for love and I’m going to play cupid and raise money for Room to Read at the same time!

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