Latest Episodes

Cruising Through Money Matters

Cruising Through Money Matters

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ After going on a Caribbean cruise I’ve made some observations...

Cruising Through Money Matters

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now Discover the latest and most effective investing strategies in Australia by joining our upcoming FREE Webinar! ➡️ After going on a Caribbean cruise I’ve made some observations about human behaviour and what people are valuing in today's world. What are the general public continuing to do wrong with their...

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Latest Episodes

The Extinction of Property Investors is Coming

The Extinction of Property Investors is Coming

The extinction of property investors as we know them is coming. Whilst it won’t happen overnight, it will happen. On this episode, I’m taking you to a place I call Extremistan! What is unfolding in the middle and outer rings of our cities can only be described as extreme. Prices are being obliterated for investors, and we are going to talk about what that means for us as investors.

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Consolidating Real Estate Into Financial Freedom

Consolidating Real Estate Into Financial Freedom

Once you have built wealth from real estate, how do you translate that into financial freedom? In this episode, we are talking about controlling wealth, consolidating debt, and the many moving pieces that go into translating real estate into financial freedom and retirement.

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Leadership & Property Investing

Leadership & Property Investing

It’s time we had a conversation about leadership – real estate investor style. Some people are unwilling to run their own financial affairs. If you are listening to this show, that means you are a property investor or preparing to be. This means you have to be the leader of your financial life. This episode is dedicated to unpacking your primary question, what’s stopping you from being more self-led, and an unwelcome visit to the podcast from my hearth and home neighbour.

Oh yes – and it’s dedicated to three awesome listeners of the podcast! Alison, Sue and Peter – this one’s for you! No Lake Weirdo for you!

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Your Burning Questions Answered (Part 2)

Your Burning Questions Answered (Part 2)

I failed you on the previous episode! I had so many questions from you that I didn’t answer on the previous ep! The last show was a failure because I didn’t get to nearly as many questions as I wanted. So we are doing a second Q+A show. Listen to hear the answers to the most pressing questions in the real estate space and my expert opinion.

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Your Big Questions Answered

Your Big Questions Answered

I am chuffed to be getting questions flooding the Urban Property Investor inbox! So today’s episode is all about answering your big burning questions! What do I think of the Sydney market? Where is the most in-demand real estate? What does the Green Economy mean for us all?

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The Secret to Long Term Investing and How I Lost $2million

The Secret to Long Term Investing and How I Lost $2million

Over a seven-year journey, I estimate that I lost $2 million. The reason is because I didn’t stick to my investing strategy. What is the reason you invest in property? Too many people move through their investment journey without knowing the answer to this question. I personally have invested in real estate using 22 different strategies, and now I know what works for me and many others. Take it from me – you can’t count on just figuring it out as you go, you actually have to sit down and think about it. This is a raw and big conversation on what it takes to create long term wealth.

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Mastering Money Shame Part 2

Mastering Money Shame Part 2

On episode 30, I discussed Money Shame, and it was a doozy. It had a massive response because as investors we need to deal with our “money stuff”. Limiting beliefs about money and poor wealth psychology will cripple any investor.

Inequality is one of the biggest megatrends on the planet today. So what does that mean for us property investors? And what can you do to avoid ending up on the wrong side of inequality in your lifetime? This is quite a deep conversation, but we are going to tackle it here and maybe even have a little fun with it.

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8 Ways to Get A Discount On Real Estate 2

8 Ways to Get A Discount On Real Estate 2

How do you get a discount in the real estate market? How do people build multiple assets in the real estate space? Right now, real estate is skyrocketing in Australia, and it’s easy to think that times like these are the only opportunities you will have to make money in real estate, but there are other ways. How do you make money off your assets when the market is at zero? This is all the stuff that we are going to be talking about in the show today.

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12 Must Know Rules of Property Investing

12 Must Know Rules of Property Investing

Investing comes with rules, and because of that, it’s a great path to guarantee wealth creation. So in the show today, we are talking about some of the rules that we need to understand when it comes to building a portfolio and creating wealth out of property. We will be tackling 12 of the top rules today, and hopefully, you will walk away with the best path for yourself as a property investor.

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Why Spreadsheet Investing Doesn’t Work

Why Spreadsheet Investing Doesn’t Work

Can a spreadsheet tell you if a property is a sound investment? Many people think yes. Today, I’m here to tell you why it’s not that simple. You can invest based on data and economics or you can pay attention to human behaviour. Which path is the most reliable for your wealth creation journey? Today, we are going to talk about that and how to invest in a post-COVID world, where a lot of the old rules have been thrown out of the window.

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How To Use Equity to Build Your Portfolio

How To Use Equity to Build Your Portfolio

Today we are learning about equity. What is it? How do you tap into it? Leveraging equity is a big part of the property investment game, so how do people use it to get themselves into the 1%? This is what we are talking about today. If you have ever played Monopoly, you probably understand that becoming wealthy is about acquiring assets. In order to do that, you need cash.

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How to Create Long Term Wealth

How to Create Long Term Wealth

Capital growth is soon going to be a niche in real estate and if you don’t follow some of the mega-trends today, you are going to be behind in the future. COVID-19 promoted the most profound social and spatial change in living memory, so we are going to talk about those directions in this episode. In 2021 and beyond, we are not going to be investing in the property market anymore, we will be investing in the livability market. So today we will be discussing what that means for the future of wealth creation through real estate.

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