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How to Successfully Airbnb Your Property

Mar 20, 2023 | Podcasts, Property Investor Tales

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Hello and welcome to Property Investor Tales: Stories From The Front Yard, where I get to speak to property investors from around Australia about their investing journey. My name is Tabitha Bright, and I’m the head of coaching here at TRC-Gorod where we help people build wealth through property. With over 8000 clients across Australia and New Zealand, there are some incredible stories to tell, which hopefully make your investing journey that little bit easier.

So my guest today is one of our fabulous coaches Megan Wolfenden. And she specialised in Airbnb hosting, so she has made some incredible cash flow via two of her properties being Airbnb, and she’s just added another one to her portfolio of short-term stays. So Megan is going to take us through everything that you need to know to successfully create fabulous cash flow for your portfolio by Airbnb. Enjoy this conversation with Megan.

2:52 – and we just brought on

27:09 – There was one more

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