How To Accelerate Wealth Creation Through Real Estate

How To Accelerate Wealth Creation Through Real Estate

by | Blog, Getting Started, Goal Setting, Invest in Real Estate, Pay Your Home Off, Property Investment

In property, proximity is power – meaning the people you choose to surround yourself with will have a direct impact on your ability to create wealth through real estate. 

Like anything that results in large returns, there are a lot of moving pieces and unless you’re an expert, you will need help to achieve high levels of success as an investor. 


At first, getting the right advice can feel complicated, and often-times people are drawn away from real estate because they are bombarded with their day to day lives. They are unable to grow and be financially free because the hangman’s noose of ‘time poor’ is squeezing their neck. 

Worse still, they default to getting advice from well-meaning friends or family who are yet to have any real experience in achieving long-term success through real estate ownership. 

Most individuals are not influenced by people with a purpose or who lead in their industry, but rather by the people around them who aren’t always the best examples. 

True success comes when you still love those people but choose to learn and adapt the principles of those who have rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty to be where they are today! 


Look at the people around you and ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Who do I have around me? 
  • What are they doing to me? 
  • What have they got me reading? 
  • What have they got me saying? 
  • Where do they have me going? 
  • What do they have me thinking? 
  • What do they have me becoming? 

Wealth is a habit; and rich people have the habit of living well. They pass that on, they teach, share, network and help each other. 

The fact remains, those you surround yourself with, do have a high impact on your ability to create and sustain wealth. 


If you’re not able to find people who are a shining example of what you deem to be ‘successful’ – that’s ok! Surrounding yourself with the right group can take time, but by consciously and deliberately gravitating towards individuals who are smarter than you and have achieved more than you, will naturally lead to growth in your personal circle. 

In the meantime, this is where a professional mentor comes in. Someone who has the skills and demonstrated experience, to help take you from where you are now to where you want to be. 

In Australia and New Zealand today, there is a huge class gap. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. The power comes in knowing you have the ability to change your position and that with the right help, anything is possible. 


Experts are experts for a reason. They bring experience and knowledge that will help immensely when it comes to making the big financial decisions that are involved in property investment. 

Of course, you should always do your own due diligence. You should know your numbers, your lending, your insurance, your market knowledge, and how it all fits in with your overall investment strategy. 

However, building the right team around you – with professionals who have investment experience themselves – will ensure you are buying smarter, not harder. 

Who are the right people to talk to? A super star property coach will guide you in every area of property investment, as well as help you find the right accountant, financial planner, buyer’s agents, a conveyancer or solicitor, mortgage broker and property manager to ensure everyone works together to get the best possible outcome for you.

Plus, there’s the added bonus that you’re not in this alone and you have support to stay focused on achieving your financial goals. 


Remember, the first step to success is surrounding yourself with the right people. 

Our free property investment seminars will help get you started on your investment journey by sharing the best tips and resources to make well-informed, smart decisions. 

Meet with the experts you can trust. Limited spots available so book now.

Register now for the free property investor webinar

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