Hayley Beavis

Property Strategist

Hayley grew up in a family of Property Investors. From a young age her parents taught her that property could be a vehicle to create passive income for her future. Early on she decided that she wanted to start planning for her future using property investing as her strategy. At 23 she purchased her first investment property in Melbourne. Jumping to today, Hayley is excited and confident about her future and retirement goals.

Hayley’s professional journey in Real Estate started as a Mentoring Assistant to the Head of Coaching at TRC-Gorod. It was then that she realised her passion for property education and quickly transitioned into a role as Property Consultant in Queensland. Hayley believes in investing in personal development and education to be able to operate at her highest self for clients, family and friends.

On a personal level, Hayley has a passion for travel and the great outdoors. She is an avid adventurer and loves to spend her weekends sightseeing and camping with her partner Corey and their dog Jessie. After relocating from Melbourne to Brisbane in 2018, she loves exploring everything the Sunshine State has to offer including her favourite beaches, rivers and lakeside hideaways.

Hayley is very passionate about helping people achieve their dreams of building wealth through property and brings with her valuable insights, knowledge and experience of the industry to her clients. 


Why I like my job: I get to learn about real estate, property and finance every day! It’s empowering to apply my industry experience, knowledge and education to my own portfolio, achieve results and know that I can help others do the same.

Professional qualifications:
Certificate IV in Finance: 452118
– Certificate of Registration Number: 4305317

Life qualifications: Traveller, adventurer and camper. Extensive travel both domestically and internationally has given me an amazing insight into Australian and International cultures. 

Interests: Travel, camping and socialising over great food and wine. 

Hidden talents: I must have been a hairdresser in my past life as I can give a great haircut.

Special Coaching skill: Adaptable, understanding and organised. 

Time with PRE: I joined the PRE Team in October 2016.

Number properties you own and where: 5 properties; 4 in Brisbane, 1 in Melbourne. 

How long you have been investing in real estate: Since 2017.

Best deal: Aspley, Brisbane. Purchased a Townhouse and received developer/government incentives meaning our deposits were minimal. The property has seen fantastic growth allowing us to move forward (happy dance!)!

Biggest lesson: To be finance ready
Passionate about: Living a fulfilling life.

Do you own PRE properties?: Yes, 4 out of the 5 properties have been purchased through PRE.

Favourite saying: “Everything happens for a reason”.

Favourite movie: Any comedy.

Favourite holiday location: That’s a tough one! Any holiday by the water is a great one for me.