Survival Strategy #2

Survival Strategy #2

Negative gearing is the dumbest idea…especially in the coming 5 to 10 years where we can’t rely on big citywide growth any more. An oversupply of stock coming onto the market will hold back growth in many, many areas… so taking a known annual loss, as a bet on the...
Survival Strategy #1

Survival Strategy #1

Have we been saying there will be zero capital growth over the next few years? Not at all… we are saying the growth will be highly localised. We call this Micro-pocket Growth because as we have established, the big citywide booms in pricing are dead for 5 to...
Does 3 Months Extra Holidays Interest You?

Does 3 Months Extra Holidays Interest You?

What’s your plan for investing in 2018? Do you have clarity on your next move? Please don’t tell me it involves waiting for the market to move, waiting for more equity, waiting for cashflow and serviceability to improve. There are things you can do in January to start...
2 Big Fears Property Investors Face

2 Big Fears Property Investors Face

Buying investment property to grow your wealth is a well proven strategy. So why then is it so scary for many would-be investors? A number of reasons, but in my opinion, the two biggest reasons people are afraid to invest in property are: The large amount of money...