4 Property Research Tips You Need to Know

4 Property Research Tips You Need to Know

As a property investor you’re always going to be learning. It never stops. And while there’s a lot of information out there, not all of it is the same in terms of reliability. Getting investment property research right is vital to creating a portfolio that performs...
Why You Should Treat Property Investing as a Business

Why You Should Treat Property Investing as a Business

How active you are as an investor will depend on how many properties you own and the time commitment you want to give to your rental house investment business. Are you a business owner? When you become a property investor you also become a problem solver: you are...
Do You Have a Sure Bet?

Do You Have a Sure Bet?

“Forget the lottery. Bet on yourself instead.” – Brian Koslow, self-help coach. Essentially there are two main ways to become financially free.: Receiving money through an inheritance, winning lottery ticket, insurance settlement, etc. Saving and...
You’ve Checked Your List…But Have You Checked it Twice?

You’ve Checked Your List…But Have You Checked it Twice?

The holiday season is fast approaching Are you one of those early shoppers who has already bought gifts, wrapped them and tucked them away until the celebrations begin? Or are you waiting until the last minute, intent on getting the best possible gift at the best...
10 Ways to Save a Deposit

10 Ways to Save a Deposit

Getting a foot into the market is a tough step for anyone trying to buy an investment property.   After bills, rent, groceries, petrol, insurance… there isn’t a whole lot left for saving. For a $400,000 property you’re going to need a minimum $40,000 deposit. For some...