Renovation By The Numbers

Renovation By The Numbers

Few things in life can speak as clearly as a mathematical formula. Whether you love or hate math, one thing is true, when you see the formula, you will know exactly how the mathematician arrived at their solution. And even better? You can duplicate their results if...
How Your Credit History Impacts Your Loan Application

How Your Credit History Impacts Your Loan Application

If you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to buy a property for investment, congratulations…you’ve chosen a fantastic wealth creation tool. But what if you’d like to invest, but you’re not sure if you’ve got good enough credit? While top notch credit...
How​ ​to​ ​Improve Your Chance of Getting Financed

How​ ​to​ ​Improve Your Chance of Getting Financed

How​ ​to​ ​Improve Your Chance of Getting Financed When investing in houses,  keeping your finances in order should always be a top priority. Obviously, without the ability to get financing you’re pretty much left stuck wherever you’re at in your property investing...
How to Build Good Financial Habits

How to Build Good Financial Habits

Sometimes, simple can be better. In fact, when you’re trying to build up good financial habits, “simple” can be the key to reaching your goals. A one page financial plan is a simple overview of your financial situation. It can help you with your everyday money...
What Will Your Money Life Look Like in The New Year?

What Will Your Money Life Look Like in The New Year?

Now that we’re into the new year have you put your resolution to buy an investment property in the new year into motion? If you’re still unsure where to start, I’d like to make some suggestions on getting started. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll be able to...
Which Money Personality Are You?

Which Money Personality Are You?

Does it seem as if, no matter what you do, you simply can’t save enough money to buy a home, much less an investment property? While I won’t say that buying your first property is a “cake walk”, it’s not an impossible task – even if it might seem like it is...