First Home Buyer Archives Building wealth through property Tue, 26 Apr 2022 03:32:16 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 First Home Buyer Archives 32 32 The Secret Behind Buying A Winning Property Fri, 11 Mar 2022 01:36:39 +0000

The Secret Behind Buying A Winning Property

Buying a winning property and creating a deal that, as we say in the industry “stacks up,” takes endurance and commitment so don’t rush into anything.

Most real estate is sold in the market to illiterate buyers who are impatient, emotional and who consider themselves too time-poor to show persistence and conduct proper due diligence.

Crunching deals will allow you to view real estate in a whole new light and will establish the real ROI of your investment.

When you analyse a deal, it is wise to take it through the following steps to ensure you have a basic level understanding of the property itself and how it fits into its environment.


Cash on cash is a term all investors should acquaint themselves with when they analyse a deal. The return on deposit percentage gives you the most accurate indicator of how fast you can do this. Here, your goal is to ensure your capital is in and out of the market within two years at the latest.

For example, if you were to put $30,000 in the market, accumulate the asset and achieve growth over 12 months to gain a further $30,000, this is considered to be a 100 per cent cash on cash return.

To put even more simply, if you had $30,000 in the bank and at the end of 12 months you had your original $30,000 plus another $30,000, you would have a pretty good deal.

Cash on cash is the same principle, only it’s achieved through the property market. It allows you to secure and retain your asset, but still have a readily available deposit to fund a new investment.


Make sure you understand what the typical finance requirements for the area are.

It is important to note that mortgage insurers and banks have classifications for various areas in the property market regarding how risky they believe the particular property market actually is and they will adjust their maximum lending criteria based on their risk rating.

The reason why they do this is they are simply protecting themselves as a business in case someone they approve a mortgage for fails to make repayments and then the bank is forced to take the property back and sell it on the local market to reclaim their monies.

If a particular market is very flat or does not look desirable the bank may ask you to put more skin into the game so to speak by lowering their maximum loan to value ratio to 80 per cent for example.

Properties can often look wonderful until you consider how much capital is required as a deposit. You need to run feasibility on lending when you are buying.


To determine the sale-price range of properties in a particular area, it’s best to organise them by price.

This will identify the lowest priced property compared to others in the suburb which establishes a guide for how much discount to seek or when to walk away. If a property is priced well below others in the area, asking for a discount is not necessary. The best thing to do is snap it up! Money will be made “on the way in” due to good research and knowledge of the market.


Running the numbers is of huge importance. A property could look great on the surface, but until you measure the rental return, the outgoings and associated costs, you won’t know how much the true cost is per week.

No more than 30 per cent of the property income should be lost to outgoings and rents should be no lower than four per cent return at a bare minimum.

The property will still need further clarification, but as a rule, you never want to be too negative with property as it will drop its serviceability, leaving your wage or income to be the major contributor to the property’s upkeep.

This will often lead to being stuck and unable to buy again.


Before you buy, you should have a plan in place that guides you on what to buy, where and for how much. Your plan should also include the next steps to build out your portfolio and the experts you’ll need on your team to ensure your success is sealed.

Get started on your property investing plan at one of our free property investing seminars.

Here you’ll discover the most crucial components you’ll need to consider when building a booming property portfolio.

Register now for the free property investor webinar. 

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8 Valuation Risk Factors Lenders Use Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:23:37 +0000

8 Valuation Risk Factors Lenders Use

While your personal situation; savings, credit, income, etc. play a part in a lender’s decision, there is another type of risk factor that banks concern themselves with; valuation risks.

Lenders rate each factor on a scale from one to five, then make their finance decision based on both your personal situation and  valuation details of the investment property you’re asking them to lend on.

1. Location

Is the property in a highly desired location? Is it close or far away from amenities?

Obviously the closer a property is to key amenities such as employment, transportation and education, the better the rating the suburb will receive.

2. Environmental

Properties in flooding and bush-fire zones will of course rate as a higher risk compared to properties in different suburbs.

In some cases, properties that are near power lines could pose some concern, however no consensus has been reached about their impact, so it may not even be a concern for your lender.

3. Improvements

Newer homes will typically rate better than older homes, however if a home shows sign of good maintenance and any improvements are finished to a good standard, it can still attain a good rating.

4. Land size

Issues such as zoning, title and access can impact the marketability of a property.

Lenders will want to ensure that each of these factors are satisfactory and that no outstanding problems can arise that will impact their investment.

land size

5. Volatility

Lenders want to know whether or not a suburb could be subject to market volatility.

6. Market

Lenders will often ask valuers about what’s going on in the market and where it appears to be headed.

Bottom line, they want to know if they can expect a reduction in value in the next two to three years.

7. Local economic conditions

Locations where there are very few employers and/or where the employers are in a high turnover industry (e.g. mining) will rate as more of a risk than areas where there are a number of employers in a diverse range of industries.

mining town

8. Market sector

Where does your property lie in terms of saleability?

Lenders want to know that your investment property can be sold (and they can recoup their costs) in a reasonable amount of time should it become necessary.

How to avoid buying a high risk property

So if you’re trying to choose an investment property, how do you avoid buying one that lenders would consider a high risk?

Buy a property that:

  • Is in a quiet location (avoid main roads)
  • Appeals to the majority of the area demographic
  • Is affordable for the majority of the area demographic to buy
  • Has been well maintained
  • Is close to amenities

While there are no guarantees, if you know what valuers look for you’ll be able to choose properties that will return lower risk ratings and that won’t get knocked back by lenders.

If you’re interested in investing in property, register to attend our next Property Investor Night.

At these FREE events held all across the country we discuss where the growth markets are right now, and share ways you can navigate your way to financial freedom through investing in property.

Seats fill up fast, so book yours now!



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But more than anything what you need is good cash flow. 

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How a “Buy Nothing” Year Can Kickstart Your Financial Future

We’re living in a consumer driven society…wouldn’t you agree?

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We’re inundated with messages urging us to buy this, drink that, do this, do that…no wonder we’re so stressed out!

Imagine what would happen if you decided to do something counter-cultural to all of that noise…such as having a “buy nothing” year?

Think about it…extra money, simply by making different spending decisions!

What would you do with the extra money?

What if you put that money to use, building financial freedom rather than spending it on a flashy holiday or new car?

A “buy nothing” year is a great way to build up the deposit for your first…or next investment property.

bilboard advertisement

What a buy nothing year can do for you

When you begin to reduce all extraneous consumer spending it can be tough, but after time you’ll find that it:

  • Reduces your stress
  • Forces you to evaluate what matters the most to you
  • Helps you to focus on things that will make the biggest difference in your life


Savings tips

Start small, cutting out extraneous expenses such as haircuts, clothing, electronics, household items, eating out, etc.

Shift your thinking

Drop out of the consumer mindset and think about those relationships and possessions that mean the most to you. Does your spending reflect your beliefs? If not, think about how you can change that.

Cook more at home

Rather than spend money on pricey takeout or restaurant fare, cook meals at home.

Save even more by purchasing items in their most basic form instead of paying more for processed.

If you eat out a lot now, doing this one thing can save you potentially hundreds per month…money that you could be putting towards an investment property or adding to your savings buffers.

Reconcile your accounts monthly

Put together a spending plan then review it every month.

It’s important to know where the money is going so that you can scale back or revise your spending as you go.

Learn to DIY

If something breaks, rather than buy a replacement, learn how to fix it. There are a number of resources both on and offline to help you get the job done.

Delay big purchases

Instead of paying premium prices for new, big ticket items such as a new couch, try to make do with what you have or if you must, buy the item refurbished or discounted…or even borrow it.

cooking at home

It’s your choice

You decide how long you want to go without buying anything beyond the essentials and see just how much money you can save.

Whether you last an entire year or only a month…individuals who have tried this strategy have learned a lot about themselves and their relationship with money.

Even if you’ve decided not to do a “buy nothing” year, the simple act of being more mindful about your spending can help you save more money, faster.

Money you can then use to build a strong investment property portfolio for your financial future.

Is building your wealth your New Year resolution?

Register to attend our next Property Investor Night.
At these FREE events held all across the country we discuss where the growth markets are right now, and share ways you can navigate your way to financial freedom through investing in property.

Seats fill up fast, so book yours now!

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