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Diminishing Opportunities in our Marketplace

by | Dec 14, 2022 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

Prices continue to go up and it’s looking like all opportunities are diminishing from a property investing standpoint. What are we going to do about this? How can we flip the switch and navigate our way to a better financially more free lifestyle?

I’m about to lay down the land, be sure to listen up!

Another full-on, educational, and cracking episode is here.

1:39 – The Property That Got Away

6:23 – Increasing Tenants with Slow Supply

16:20 – 5 Properties 5 Cities

24:14 – What Can you Get for $1,000,000

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

If you’re yet to subscribe, be sure to do so on your favourite channel.
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