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Lessons From Queen Lizzy

by | Sep 21, 2022 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

The Monarch has been passed on. Let’s revisit some core pieces of Queen Lizzy’s run as Queen – her amazing grace, purpose and what she stood for. Become a property investor Lizzy’s way and learn the secret to staying alive as long as she did – maybe even how to get to 100 not out.

Some strategies, stories and more important investing topics to tune into. Not one minute of this cracking episode should be missed. Make sure to tune in!

3:28 – Clickbait Driven World

6:29 – Royal Capital Growth

12:46 – How does Purpose Improve my Cashflow & Health?

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

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