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The Huge $6.2 Trillion Dollar Handover Coming Your Way

by | Jul 27, 2022 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

So over the coming years, Australia’s Baby Boomers are going to hand over more than $6 trillion to their families!! Can you believe it? That’s not a small amount of cash. How do we know this? The latest census and our good friends at the Australian Bureau of Statistics have their fingers on the pulse, and this is just massive for property investors – both current and future ones.

I’ll tell you what… We are headed for paradise (property investors that is). As long as you pay attention and understand the possible changes and movements projected to unfold in the near future, you’ll thank your lucky stars you were a property investor.

I say it every week, but I really think this is a code cracker of an episode. There are more than 6 trillion reasons to listen if you ask me!

1:16 – Australia’s Future Population Can Make or Break You

5:57 – Tasmania is BOOMING!

29.13 – What Will the Handover of 6.2 Trillion Dollars Mean?

37:26 – Cities Are For the People

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

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