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Election Special for Property Investors

by | May 18, 2022 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

On this episode of Urban Property Investor I look into the election and tell you what the parties are saying about the riveting rollercoaster that is the real estate marketplace right now. Will they fix our problems? Or will they continue to add onto the inflation that is already occurring nationwide?

Grab your voting sheets and get ready to hustle down onto the marketplace and see where these nutty politicians can take us on this episode of Urban Property Investor.

9:35 – False media sells. Don’t believe it all

12:09 – Real Estate vs The Election

24:58 – Australia’s Awkward Real Estate Position

31:30 – Missing out on property ownership is a NO

44:52 – The Governing Parties Approaches the Crazy Housing EcoSystem

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

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