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Milking The Foreign Cash For Real Estate Wealth

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

There are five groups of home buyers that create a booming market in real estate. They are –

1) First home buyers

2) Downsizers

3) Upgraders

4) Investors and

5) Foreign investors.

When all of those groups shop at once, you have a feeding frenzy, also known as a property boom!

On this episode, I want to focus on one big feeder – foreign investment – and explain to you how it works, and most importantly, why it can help you unlock the code of real estate wealth.

9:51 – How a boom works

11:20 – How The Government command the economy

13:00 – Why Sydney boomed between 2013 and 2017

14:15 – Why Sydneysiders can no longer afford to live in Sydney

16:14 – I should be broke right now

17:42 – Inequality is real

19:26 – The Dubai Effect

22:50 – How Asian Foreign Investment Works

41:28 – Brand New Zealand and Brand Australia

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂


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