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Master Your Relationship With Money

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Podcasts, Urban Property Investor

Listen to the Urban Property Investor Podcast Now

How’s your relationship with money? It’s a big question very few people like to talk about. For most Australians, it’s terrible AF. That’s why most Australians end up on the pension. On this episode, I share why it’s so bad for most, and how to improve your relationship with money so that you can join the top 1% of Australians who achieve financial independence. I even share stories of a 27 and 31-year-old who are well on their way.

1:18 – The Brutal Truth About Wealth

11:59 – Is Your Relationship With Money A Mess?

25:03 – 4 Properties By 27

29:47 – What’s Your Why?

39:37 – Our flawed relationship with money

44:25 – I love crazy adventures

46:58 – My favourite book of all time is Think And Grow Rich

52:28 – Pitting up with being OK is just not OK

59:04 – Be inspired to succeed

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂


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