features-homebuyers-want-in-a-homeThe longer you invest in real estate the more you’ll have the need or desire to sell one or more of your properties.

Besides choosing the right time to sell – if possible – you’ll need to make your property stand out above the rest.

The key to doing this is simply to appeal to what owner occupiers want.

Why worry about what owner occupiers want?

For several reasons, actually.

  1. There are many more owner occupiers – and people wanting to become owner occupiers – than investors. This means your potential buyer pool is much larger when the property appeals to owner occupiers.
  2. Properties that appeal to owner occupiers are going to appreciate faster than property marketed to investors.
  3. As an investor, your focus should be on creating wealth and capital growth is what gets you that wealth. This is why you should target your investment purchases towards properties that have features owner occupiers desire.

features-homebuyers-want-in-a-home-gardenWhat if I don’t plan to sell?

Even if you have a ‘buy and hold’ strategy you’re smart to buy properties that appeal to owner occupiers.


Because as capital growth should be your focus, “in-demand” properties grow in value faster than “forever rental” properties.

Also, things change and you might decide later on in your investing journey that you want to sell. If you’ve purchased a home that an owner occupier would want then you’ve not only got a larger pool of prospective homebuyers, you’ve enjoyed good capital growth over the time you’ve held the property.

So…what do homebuyers want?

Finder.com.au did a survey of over 1000 people, asking them what they wanted most in a property.

features-homebuyers-want-in-a-home-chimneyThe top 5 features listed below are very revealing about what today’s Aussies find appealing in a property.

  1. Air conditioning
  2. Carport/garage
  3. Garden/backyard
  4. Solar panels
  5. Deck/pergola

How can I find out more?

At TRC-Gorod we’ve worked with thousands of investors as they sought to grow their wealth through investing in property.

To find out what we can do for you come along to our next FREE Property Investor Night. There’s absolutely no obligation, but there is a lot of great, actionable information you’ll gain on the night.

Seats to these popular events fill up fast, so book yours now!
